3 Visual Apps that comply with UDL Framework:


1. Kahoot is an awesome visual that is suitable for all K-12 grade levels. 
Kahoot is not only for students to learn, but it allows for educators, parents and professionals to access what it has to offer. 

There is a Whiteboard feature in which you are able to purchase on a monthly or yearly subscription. 

Start from scratch or design a whiteboard to work with

Every student gets their individual whiteboard that only the teacher can see, while all students are able to see the teacher’s whiteboard. You can start a session from scratch, or add some content to it. For example, you can upload an image and make it appear on all students’ individual whiteboards.

What is also great about Kahoot is that it will help students who are first year students learning English. With almost every subject covered within the app, there are several games and trivia's with assistance in helping ESLs. 


    2. Canva allows you to create visual presentations that are colorful, inviting and will get your students engaged and interested in the lesson. 
Canva also has a whiteboard feature in which students can be given access to the account just as in google docs, and as you are presenting the lesson and asking questions students can add to the white board. This would allow for participation without having to speak up, if they are shy. It would also allow them to get comfortable with technology. 

You can also create a team. This would be beneficial to your fellow teachers, so that you all can share and create work together. It is as easy as sending an email and them accepting the invitation. 

3. Kizoa is a great multi-media tool for students in a secondary setting. They are able to create their own videos and slide shows with some pretty amazing effects. 
Kizoa is also great for educators to create eye catching presentation in which they will grab the students attention; visual effects and music can be added and would really engage the students interests.  
Kizoa is easy to access and provides templates as well as from scratch creations to be made. 


The three applications are all beneficial in their own way. Each one has been designed for students, parents and educators to utilize them for the maximum learning experience. Understanding how to navigate them and create fun and inviting products for your student is also a fun and interactive activity for you as well. As educators we should know what is best for our students as classes as a whole, choosing what works best for you and your students will provide the best learning experience for both you and your student. 
